Return of the Jedi LaserDiscs
sorted by country
PAL France- Star Wars: Le retour du Jedi (1983) [147835]
- Star Wars: Le retour du Jedi (1983) [147835(2)]
- Star Wars: Le retour du Jedi (1983) [147839]
- Star Wars: Le retour du Jedi: Edition Spéciale (1997) [609935]
- Star Wars: Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (1983) [1478-05]
- Star Wars: Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (1983) [5897-05]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) [F009]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Special Edition (1997) [006099]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) [PILF-1265]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) [PILF-2078]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) [SF098-1100]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) [SF148-1343]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Special Edition (1997) [PILF-2470]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) [1478-70]
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Special Edition (1997) [EE 1232-3]